Once you have payments flowing, it’s time to understand your transactions better. When you’re integrated via API into the Hub, you can get reports such as Reconciliations, Settlements, Disputes (there is more detailed information in the Reporting Section) and you can complete necessary admin such as submitting Dispute Responses.

Don't forget that before you can access this API, you’ll need an API user created on your account. These details are used to complete the Authorization step explained below. Pick your best person, you can only have one API user.

To confirm if each request into the Hub API is sucessful or not, we return a HTTP response code. For a full list of codes that may be returned, please look to your right.

Within each request, we pass the status parameter in the response. If status is set to 1, your call was successful, if it is set to -1, an error occurred and the call was unsuccessful.

Error Handling - HTTP response codes
  • 200 (Everything worked)
  • 400 (Check your request parameters)
  • 401 (Check your token)
  • 404 (Check the endpoint)
  • 409 (Conflicting request with a different request)
  • 429 (Too many requests at once)
  • 5XX (Errors, contact us!)


Time to play - access the Hub API using these endpoints:


The app_id and app_key values for this request can be found in the Hub. If you are unable to find them please contact your company admin or

POST /login
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


Please see to your right a code example of the Authorization request.

Parameter Format Length Description
string 1-50 The ID of your API user, you can get it from the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: a-zA-Z0-9
string 1-50 The secret app key of your API user, you can get it from the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: a-zA-Z0-9
boolean Should be set to true.
  "app_id" : "25416783",
  "app_key" : "331f1416d8e4999a75ec677cd9a6239sd",
  "api" : true


In response you will get a token value which you’ll use in the Authorization header of all other requests - please see to your right a code example.

Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object
token string 240 A unique token value to be used in the "Authorization" header to access the rest of the Hub API.
last_login_time string 19 The date and time the login details were last used.
login_timeout int 4 The amount of time (in seconds) before this token becomes invalid and you need to request a new one.
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJqd3QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJrZXkiOiI0NjBlYWM1ODFiOTczZjkwOTA5M2Y1NzM2MjE5N2U0OCIsImlkIjoiMzM5IiwidGltZSI6IjIwMTktMDMtMTJUMDc6NTA6MDIrMDAwMCIsInR0bCI6NzIwMCwiaXAiOiIxNzYuMjQuNDYuMTY3In0.gjxFz_q2yR1ttxSsp9xBJOjz6kXDXivPNUJTdE9HA2Q",
        "last_login_time": "2019-08-22 16:47:18",
        "login_timeout": 7200
Pro tip: Only one token can be active at a time, and it expires after two hours. After that, you’ll have to ask for a new token. Alternatively, generate a new token for each request - your call.


Want to avoid downloading your Reconciliation reports via the Hub? Here's how you can get them in JSON format and pull them straight into your system.

GET /reconciliation
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
string 0-10 The date you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
string 0-10 The date you want your search results to end, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
Pro tip: You can query multiple company_id's or mid_id's with a comma to separate them. You'll see what I mean in the example below.,1046&start_date=2019-08-01&end_date=2019-08-01


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object The results of the query.
{{file_name}} object The name of the file you are getting from the Hub.
Format is {{company_name}}_{{mid_id}}_{{date}}
company_name string 1-50 The name of your company as configured in the Hub.
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
bank string 1-20 Name of the acquiring bank records relates to.
bank_id string 1-20 Unique ID assigned to you by the acquiring bank.
This value may appears on your bank statements for settlements.
currency_code_iso3 string 3 The associated currency for the transaction_data records.
transaction_data array Individual transaction records that make up the settlement to your bank account.
transaction_id string 1-10 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.
date string 10 The date the transaction / record was processed.
arn string 0-24 Value set by the acquirer to track the transaction, when present.
merchant_order_id string 1-50 Unique ID you’ll use to identify each transaction.
merchant_customer_id string 1-50 Your internal unique customer reference. You can use this field to link multiple transactions to a single customer.
card_type string 0-10 The card scheme the records relates to.
amount string 0-50 The GROSS amount for the transaction.
commission string 0-50 The total fees applied by the acquirer.
net_amount string 0-50 The NET amount for the transaction.


Don't need all of the transaction level data but want a breakdown of an upcoming or previous settlement to your bank account? Here's how you can get the Settlement reports from the Hub via the API.

GET /settlement
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
bank string 1-20 Acquiring bank identifier.
If you're connected to more than one, we'll let you know what they are.
string 0-10 The date you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
string 0-10 The date you want your search results to end, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
Pro tip: You can query multiple company_id's or mid_id's with a comma to separate them. You'll see what I mean in the example below.,1046&banks=&start_date=2019-08-01&end_date=2019-08-01


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object The results of the query.
total int 1-10 The total number of lines in the lists array.
lists array Contents of the Settlement Report table from the Hub.
created_date string 10 The date of the settlement report.
open_balance string 0-50 The balance on your account at the start of the day before settlement.
sales_gross_amount string 0-50 The GROSS sales total before an fees are applied by the acquirer.
sales_net_amount string 0-50 The NET sales total after fees are applied by the acquirer.
sales_count string 1-50 Total number of SALE records.
refund_gross_amount string 0-50 The GROSS refunds / credits total before an fees are applied by the acquirer.
refund_net_amount string 0-50 The NET refunds / credits total after fees are applied by the acquirer.
refund_count string 1-50 Total number of REFUND records.
dispute_amount string 0-50 Total amount for DISPUTE records occuring due to dispute activity.
dispute_count string 1-50 Total count of DISPUTE records.
dispute_fee_amount string 0-50 Total amount for DISPUTE FEE records occuring due to dispute activity.
dispute_fee_count string 0-50 Total count of DISPUTE FEE records.
fraud_fee_amount string 0-50 Total amount for FRAUD FEE records occuring due to TC40 / SAFE activity.
fraud_fee_count string 0-50 Total count of FRAUD FEE records.
misc_amount string 0-50 Total amount of misc. fees that may have been applied by the acquirer.
reserve_held_amount string 0-50 Rolling Reserve HELD before settlement is performed (if applicable).
reserve_released_amount string 0-50 Rolling Reserve RELEASED before settlement is performed (if applicable).
total_reserve string 0-50 Sum of reserve_held_amount and reserve_released_amount.
net_settle string 0-50 The amount to be settled (or already settled) to your bank account.
m_currency_code_iso3 string 3 The settlement currency.
currency_symbol_html string 4 HTML currency code.
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "total": 1,
        "lists": [{
            "created_date": "2019-08-01",
            "open_balance": "0.000000",
            "sales_gross_amount": "10000.000000",
            "sales_net_amount": "9800.000000",
            "sales_count": "300",
            "refund_gross_amount": "0.000000",
            "refund_net_amount": "0.000000",
            "refund_count": "0",
            "dispute_amount": "-220.000000",
            "dispute_count": "5",
            "dispute_fee_amount": "-40.000000",
            "dispute_fee_count": "5",
            "fraud_fee_amount": "0.000000",
            "fraud_fee_count": "0",
            "misc_amount": "-20.000000",
            "reserve_held_amount": "0.000000",
            "reserve_released_amount": "0.000000",
            "total_reserve": "0.000000",
            "net_settle": "9520.000000",
            "m_currency_code_iso3": "GBP",
            "currency_symbol_html": "£"

Dispute Report

Looking for a summary of your disputes for a given month including count, amount and percentage vs sales? Query the API to get the Hub Dispute report and pull it directly into your system.

GET /disputes/report
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
card_type string 0-10 Possible Values are: VISA / MC.
start_date string 0-10 The month you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
end_date string 0-10 The month you want your search results to end, in the format: YYYY-MM.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -

Please see below for an example of the query string:

Dispute Details

The Dispute Report provides a summarised view of your disputes that have been raised against your account. To get a list disputes on a transational level, use the Dispute Details query.

A more detailed view provides information that will allow you to identify a customer and perform any actions you deem to be necessary. You may wish to contact the customer and/or submit a Dispute Response.

GET /disputes/details
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
card_type string 0-10 Possible Values are: VISA / MC.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
status string 1-50 Possible values are: noaction, defended, lost.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
reason_code string 1-11 Dispute Category (10) and / or condition (10.1).
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 .
start_date string 0-10 The day you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
end_date string 0-10 The day you want your search results to end, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -

Please see below for an example of the query string:

Dispute Response

You can easily submit a dispute response via the API as well as upload supporting documentation. For more information check out here.

You can also see your dispute pack IDs from within Hub. If you’re having trouble with this part, just shoot an email and they will sort it out. This dispute pack ID notifies us of which Dispute Response Pack saved on your account you wish to submit as part of your Defence Pack.

POST /disputes/response
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
pack_id int 1-4 Pack ID from the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
transaction_reciept_type int 1 0 = None, 1 = Auto, 2 = Upload.
custom_field string 1-1000 Custom text which will replace the custom field text within the defence pack.
transaction_id int 1-10 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
transaction_reciept file Max Size 0.5 MB File location on your side to upload.
proof_of_delivery file Max Size 0.5MB File location on your side to upload.
application_history file Max Size 0.5 MB File location on your side to upload.


Want to query our system for Banking and Fraud updates without having the notifications pushed to you from our system? Query the API to retrieve customer updates and pull them directly into your system.

GET /webhooks
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
If you've only got one or want to query them all, no need to send it.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
start_date datetime 0-19 The date you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
end_date datetime 0-19 The date you want your search results to end, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 -
transaction_id string 1-10 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.
event string 8-20 The type of webhook records you want to get back in the response
Acceptable Values: retrival_new, fraud_new, dispute_new, dispute_recovered, dashboard_response, transaction_outcome, account_updater, transaction_update, funds_received

Please see below for an example of the query string:


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object The results of the query.
total int 1-10 The total number of lines in the lists array.
lists array Please see here
  "status": 1,
  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "lists": [
        "id": "80FE1D63-B791-B6E8-4916-F3D2C2984856",
        "timestamp": "20201023062731",
        "company_id": "113",
        "hash": "55d08d145e53a7f98795aee0f37826d6812c4a27b7ebc6db4c0c699063d4a0cd",
        "event": "transaction_outcome",
        "response_code": "1",
        "response_message": "Transaction Success",
        "transaction_type": "pay_out",
        "mid_id": "1045",
        "transaction_id": "329120"
Note It is also possible to query a specific webhook, see below for details of how to achieve this.
GET /webhooks/{{webhook_id}}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
webhook_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a webhook


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object The results of the query, please see here for reference.
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "id": "80FE1D63-B791-B6E8-4916-F3D2C2984856",
        "timestamp": "20201023062731",
        "company_id": "113",
        "hash": "55d08d145e53a7f98795aee0f37826d6812c4a27b7ebc6db4c0c699063d4a0cd",
        "event": "transaction_outcome",
        "response_code": "1",
        "response_message": "Transaction Success",
        "mid_id": "1045",
        "transaction_id": "329120"