

The Fraud report is designed to provide an added layer of protection against fraudulent activity in the transaction lifecycle. Typically, a fraud alert is when a customer has contacted their issuing bank to notify them that there is an unrecognised transaction on their account. The issuer raises what is called a TC40 (Visa) or SAFE (MasterCard) record and notifies the acquiring bank (your acquiring partner(s)). Conveniently, we receive the record directly from the acquiring bank and notify you.

Each TC40/SAFE record raised results in a minimum €1.00 fine applied by the card scheme, has built a report that can directly combat these fraud alerts.

The Fraud Report will allow you to retrieve all instances of fraudulent activity on your account - updating your own systems, removing these customers from future processing. You can simply automate these processes so that when you receive a fraud alert, you blacklist the customers from your future processing.

We recommend to monitor this report regularly - if a transaction is flagged as fraudulent, there is an increased chance of a dispute being raised as well.

Helpful Tip - To stop a dispute being raised, you have the opportunity to process a refund – using the fraud report to get all the information to process the refund will prevent the dispute being processed by the issuing bank and saves any further fees from being applied.

You can process the refund using the API, or you can directly action the refund within this report.

But that’s not all! can process these refunds on your behalf - we have developed a feature to process a refund, automatically, when we receive any TC40/SAFE record. For further information on this solution, contact the support team and they are always ready to help you fight this fraudulent activity.

Report Structure

In this report, we monitor transactions that have been flagged as fraudulent by the issuing banks.

Information is presented in two ways - a monthly summarised table and also by transaction. We display the fraud report by the number of fraud alerts raised and the value amount relating to these alerts.

Did you know? You can download this report directly from the Hub API into your system? For more information, please see here.

Report Parameters

Listed below are the paramters with an associated description.

Parameter Description
MID The API MID (Merchant Identification Number) we issue to merchants.
Company Name Simple - the company name.
Transaction ID The unique reference passed back in each response message.
ARN The unique reference number that is used within the banking network to identify transactions (stands for Acquirer Reference Number).
RRN Retrieval Request Number is the reference number passed over to from the issuing bank when the issuer / acquirer requests further information against a transaction.
Amount The transaction amount that was collected.
Customer ID The customer_id value passed through within the request message.
Card Type The card scheme the card belongs to (Visa / MasterCard / AmEx).
Card Exp The expiration date listed on the card used.
Card Number Masked credit or debit card number used for the transaction.
Cardholder Name Cardholder’s name as entered into the HPP.
Transaction Date The date the transaction was originally processed.
Fraud Date The date received the Fraud alert.
Status No Action Taken, Expired or Refunded.