
Inter-ledger Transfers

Use this to transfer money between your accounts or to your customers’ ledgers.

POST /accounts/internal_transfer
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
string 36 The ledger from which funds are being transferred.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 –
string 36 The ledger to which funds are being transferred.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 –
string 1-11 The amount you want to transfer.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 .
string 1-18 A description of the payment that will appear on your ledger and the customer's ledger (if sending funds to one).
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ –
    "from_ledger_id": "6cf0fed2-fa2c-4145-876f-38091fddcb1d",
    "to_ledger_id": "a303519e-3b65-4a1e-b8b9-b480ade983f7",
    "amount": "200",
    "reference": "Internal Transfer"


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the response_code or error for debugging. The possible response codes and associated messages are as follows:

1 - success
12 - quarantined
101 - declined
650 - insufficient_funds
651 - compliance_firewall
606 - contact_support
response_code string 1-3 Numeric value to indicate the outcome of the transfer. The possible response codes and associated messages are as follows:

1 - success
12 - quarantined
101 - declined
650 - insufficient_funds
651 - compliance_firewall
606 - contact_support
transaction_id int 36 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.

Process a Payout

Use this to send money to a beneficiary .

POST /accounts/customer/pay_out
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
string 36 The unique customer profile reference returned to you as part of the create_beneficiary process.
Acceptable Characters: a-z 0-9 -
string 1-18 A description of the payment that will appear on your ledger and the customer's ledger (if sending funds to one).
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ –
string 1-11 The amount you want to payout.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 .
    "beneficiary_id": "22938286-283a-4594-b21c-afb1bd52d22c",
    "reference": "Example Reference",
    "amount": "200"


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the response_code or error for debugging. The possible reponse codes and associated message's are as follows:

1 - success
12 - quarantined
101 - declined
650 - insufficient_funds
651 - compliance_firewall
606 - contact_support
response_code string 1-3 Numeric value to indicate the outcome of the transfer. The possible reponse codes and associated message's are as follows:

1 - success
12 - quarantined
101 - declined
650 - insufficient_funds
651 - compliance_firewall
606 - contact_support
transaction_id int 36 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.
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Query a Transaction

Use this request to get more details about a specific transaction_id, usually in order to display this information to your customers.

GET /accounts/transactions/{transaction_id}}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
transaction_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a transaction.


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object
transaction_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a transaction.
date_time string 36 The time at which a transaction took place.
name string 1-100 The account holder's name.
account_number string 8 The account number associated with the account.
sort_code string 6 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
iban string 16-34 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
bic_swift string 8-11 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
reference string 1-18 A description of the payment that will appear on the senders and receivers bank statements.
amount string 1-11 The total value of the transaction.
currency string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
in_out string 2-3 The direction in which funds are being moved.
type string 14-18 The type of transaction taking place, we will typically respond with internal_transfer or faster_payment.
response_code int 1-3 Code describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
response_message string 1-100 Message describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z _ - ()[]{};~!@#$%^*,./\?:”’ +=`
"status": "1", 
"message": "Success",
"data": {
        "transaction_id": "9010ef5b-8b1a-484d-b27c-e9002dcd93d2",
        "date_time": "2020/01/05 12:12:54",
        "name": "Steve Ryan",
        "account_number": "12345678",
        "sort_code": "400052",
        "reference": "testing",
        "amount": "200.00",
        "currency": "gbp",
        "in_out": "in",
        "type": "faster_payment",
        "response_message":"Transaction Success"
Please note - For EUR transactions we should return "iban" and "bic_swift" details in the transaction list instead of "account_number" and "sort_code".
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