Hosted Payment Page

You’re just a few steps away from integrating our Hosted Payment Page (HPP), offering your customers an intuitive, seamless checkout experience.

Why will you love this solution?


Now, being secure is that much easier. With our HPP, there’s only PCI DSS SAQ A (that’s Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Self-Assessment Questionnaire A, in case you wondered) to complete. You get the customers; we have your security.


There’s no need to reinvent the design wheel. Our dynamic templates adapt to your display requirements for device and screen size.


Make your payment page as handsome as the rest of your site. Upload HTML, CSS, JavaScript, image, and font files to our secure environment and watch magic happen.

Let's get started.

Please note: The following documentation is for web applications. If you want to integrate into the platform using a Mobile application, you can use our Mobile SDK's.


Your unique HPP gets created in the Merchant section of our portal. To build or upload an HPP for a specific merchant ID (MID), go to Merchant > Company & MID > Create Service. Not sure if you’re in the right place? Take a look at the screenshot below:

Acquired Merchants List

Simple as that. Now it’s time to customise your payment page. We’ve also added a default template to the dashboard to get you started. Download it and if you need some help, take a look here.


Time to play - access your HPP using these endpoints:


For your sake and ours, we make sure that each transaction you send to us is a genuine request.

Here is how:

Verified Referring URL

Your customers are redirected to the HPP using a referring URL. We only accept requests from referring URLs whitelisted within the Hub, so make sure you go to Merchants > Company & MID > HPP > Edit and do so, so that we know you’re for real.

Don't forget To confirm at least one referring URL for the production environment within the Hub. Also, because security is so important, referring URLs must begin with https://.

Request Hash

We use encrypted tokens to assess the integrity of your transaction data. This encrypted token is referred to as the Request Hash and sent in the hash parameter of your request to us. If data does not pass our integrity check because the hash value is missing or mismatches the transaction data, we decline the transaction request. It’s not personal, it’s just part of the process of keeping everything as secure as acceptable. Each transaction request needs a unique hash value, so here are the steps to start generating yours:

  1. Sort the transaction parameters - excluding your company hash - alphabetically and then concatenate (don’t you just love this word?). Here are some examples:

    amount . company_id . company_mid_id . currency_code_iso3 . merchant_order_id . transaction_type

    Over here at Request Parameters, we’ve listed all the parameters to include with each transaction request.

  2. SHA256 encrypt the resulting string:

  3. Then, append your company_hashcode to the string generated in step two and SHA256 encrypt again:

    Pro tip: It’s time to get your company_hashcode (if you haven't already). Send the team a note, they’ll allocate one straight away.
    Please note: When processing via the HPP you have to include all the parameters included in the request when calculating your hash value.

With us so far? To get you started, here are samples of code to generate encrypted hash values:

$param = array(

$company_hashcode ='company_hashcode';
$plain = implode('', $param);
// $plain ="14.991131045GBP20170619111AUTH_CAPTURE";
$temp = hash('sha256', $plain);
// $temp = "0722b76a63d0b7adde39b13119e4dfd5aa7bd0d91885d55597af334a055c4cd0";
$hash = hash('sha256', $temp.$company_hashcode);
//$hash = "2934149504e39101f5cfad6ec3e971978890a057373ac3237e0dd150dd491d3d3"
private String getHppHash() {
    String companyHash="hashcode";
    String hppHash="";
    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("amount", 100.00);
    map.put("companyId", 133;
    map.put("companyMidId", 1025);
    map.put("currencyCodeIso3", "GBP");
    map.put("merchantOrderId", "20160907_111");
    map.put("transactionType", "AUTH_ONLY");

    Map sortMap = new TreeMap(new MapKeyComparator());

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (Iterator iterator = sortMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
        Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);
        sb.append(null == entry.getValue() ? "" :
    String plain = sb.toString();
    // plain = "1001331025GBP20160709_666AUTH_ONLY";
    String temp = String2SHA256(sb.toString());
  // temp = "137fe6414788bbe12676555889ae3688edc5d2819394a3e284a1b022bb2648cb";
    hppHash = String2SHA256( temp + companyHash);
  // hppHash = "2fa91f0d42ff36c18c089d27dba4201be9b670073b0b95dd822e7c3038aeeaf5";

private static String String2SHA256(String str) {
    MessageDigest messageDigest;
    String encodeStr = "";
    try {
        messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        encodeStr = byte2Hex(messageDigest.digest());
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    return encodeStr;

private static String byte2Hex(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    String temp = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
        temp = Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xFF);
        if (temp.length() == 1) {
    return stringBuffer.toString();

class MapKeyComparator implements Comparator {

    public int compare(String str1, String str2) {

        return str1.compareTo(str2);
public static void Main(string[] args)
    string companyHashCode = "hashcode";
    Dictionary param = new Dictionary
        { "company_id", 133 },
        { "company_mid_id", 1025 },
        { "merchant_order_id", "20160709_666" },
        { "transaction_type", "AUTH_ONLY" },
        { "currency_code_iso3", "GBP" },
        { "amount", 100.00 }
    Dictionary sorted = param.OrderBy(o => o.Key).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, p => p.Value);
    string plain = string.Empty;
    foreach (KeyValuePair k in sorted)
        plain += k.Value;
    // plain = "1001331025GBP20160709_666AUTH_ONLY";
    string temp = SHA256(plain);
    // temp = "137fe6414788bbe12676555889ae3688edc5d2819394a3e284a1b022bb2648cb";
    string hppHash = SHA256(temp + companyHashCode);
    // hppHash = "2fa91f0d42ff36c18c089d27dba4201be9b670073b0b95dd822e7c3038aeeaf5";

public static string SHA256(string str)
    byte[] SHA256Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);

    SHA256Managed Sha256 = new SHA256Managed();
    byte[] by = Sha256.ComputeHash(SHA256Data);

    return BitConverter.ToString(by).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); //64


The last page of your website before customers reach our environment is the referral page. This is the place to integrate a form with hidden HTML fields containing customers’ order data. We receive the order data via POST request. The payment page loads, and customers are prompted to enter their sensitive card data. And that’s it, just like that you’ve completed a payment!

    <title>Sample Code</title>
    <form action="" method="POST">
      <input type=hidden name="company_id" value="113">
      <input type=hidden name="company_mid_id" value="1045">
      <input type=hidden name="currency_code_iso3" value="GBP">
      <input type=hidden name="transaction_type" value="AUTH_CAPTURE"> 
      <input type=hidden name="merchant_order_id" value="20170619111"> 
      <input type=hidden name="amount" value="14.99">
      <input type=hidden name="hash" value="2934149504e39101f5cfad6ec3e971978890a057373ac3237e0dd150dd491d3d3">
      <input type=submit value="Submit"> 

Request Parameters

Every HPP transaction requires a certain number of mandatory fields, which you’ll see at the top of the table below. Minimal data will work, but we recommend that you give us extra information with each request. This fulfils additional security checks such as Account Verification System (AVS), where available.

Take a look at our guide for integrating 3-D Secure (both Version 1 & 2) into the HPP here.
Parameter Format Length Description
int 1-4 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
string64 Value of your encrypted token. Take a look here for more information.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9
vt boolean 1 Additional parameter to flag a transaction as MOTO - include if processing payments via phone or an IVR solution.
Acceptable Characters: 0/1
string1-50 Unique ID you’ll use to identify each transaction.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -
string1-20 Possible values are AUTH_ONLY or AUTH_CAPTURE. Please see here for more information.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z _
Click to list all possible transaction types.
string3 Transaction currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
int 1-11 Transaction amount.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 in the format DDDDDD.CC
EMV 3-D Secure (v2)
int 1 Flag to initiate 3-D Secure / SCA authentication. Should be set to 2 to enable both versions of 3-D Secure.
Acceptable Characters: 0/2
merchant_customer_id string0-50 Unique ID you’ll use to identify each customer.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
merchant_custom_1 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
merchant_custom_2 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
merchant_custom_3 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions. If you are using our dynamic descriptor feature, you will not be able to use the merchant_custom_3 field as the dynamic descriptor value should be passed in this field.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
customer_fname string0-50 Customer's first name.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z , . - '
MCC 6012
string0-50 Customer's last name.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z , . - _
MCC 6012
string10 Customer’s date of birth.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 in the format YYYY-MM-DD
AVS & EMV 3DS (Recommended)
string0-50 Cardholder’s street address.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _ / \ &
billing_street2 string0-50 Cardholder’s street address, line 2.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _ / \ &
EMV 3DS (Recommended)
string0-100 City as it appears in a cardholder’s address.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _ / \ &
billing_state string0-3 State or province as it appears in a cardholder’s address. Should only be sent when processing US cards.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
MCC 6012 & AVS &
EMV 3DS (Recommended)
string0-100 Cardholder’s billing ZIP or postal code.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
EMV 3DS (Recommended)
string2 The ISO 3166 2-character country code of the cardholder’s address.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
billing_phone_code string3 Cardholder’s billing phone country code (For example, 44 for the UK).
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 ( ) -
string7-15 Cardholder’s billing phone number - we strongly recommend sending the customer's mobile phone number.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 ( ) -
EMV 3DS (Recommended)
string0-254 Cardholder’s billing email address.
Acceptable Characters: + 0-9 a-z A-z _ - . @
callback_url string10-2083 For more information about direct server-to-server communication, click here. This parameter will overwrite the default value configured within the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z - . _ ~ : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ` .
return_url string10-2083 URL to redirect customers from our environment back to your website after a request has been completed. This parameter will overwrite the default value configured within the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z - . _ ~ : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ` .
return_method string0-12 Specify how to receive a response back to your return_url. Acceptable values are POST, GET, POST_MESSAGE. This parameter will overwrite the default value configured within the Hub.
error_url string10-2083 Customers will be redirected to this URL when an error has occurred. Sent as a GET response, we return the following parameters: status, message, company_id, company_mid_id, and merchant_order_id.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z - . _ ~ : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ` .
cancel_url string10-2083 Action for a ‘Cancel’ button if your payment page has one. This parameter will overwrite the default value configured within the Hub. This does not apply if integrating via i-Frame/SDK.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z - . _ ~ : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ` .
load_balance boolean 1 Flag to notify our platform that you want to use our Load Balancing functionality. For more information on this feature, please see here.
Acceptable Characters: 0/1
template_id int 0-4 You can have multiple HPP templates to cater to your customers devices i.e. Dark Mode/Light Mode. If included, this parameter will overwrite the default template configured within the Hub.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
EMV 3DS (Required)
string1 A link to the Contact Us page on your website for example https://yourdomain/contact.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z - . _ ~ : / ? # [ ] @ ! $ & ' ( ) * + , ; = ` .
EMV 3DS (Required)
int1 The channel being used to initiate the transaction, should be set to 1.

Acceptable Characters: 0-9
EMV 3DS (Required)
int1 The type of transaction you are processing, value should be set to 2.Acceptable Characters: 0-9
EMV 3DS (Optional)
int1 If you'd like the customer to be challenged:

0 = No Preference
1 = Don't Challenge
2 = Request Challenge

The issuer may decide to ignore your preference.

For requests where card details are being stored for future use, this value must be set to: 2 = Request Challenge.
Please note: Ensure you don’t use any character encoding when passing through any special characters. For example, passing through an apostrophe ' as /u2019 will result in the transaction being blocked.


Card transactions result in one of two transaction_type parameters for authorisation:

  • AUTH_ONLY verifies the customer account and okays the transaction now. The payment completes when you process the CAPTURE later.
  • AUTH_CAPTURE performs both actions in one step to process the payment now.
Did your acquirer give you MCC 6012 for your Merchant Category Code (MCC)? If so, please ensure that you submit customer_name, customer_dob, and billing_zipcode parameters in each request. If you don’t know your MCC classification or if you forget, which happens to the best of us, contact

Error Handling

If there is something wrong with your request, or something goes wrong on our end, we'll redirect the user to the Error URL to let you know. This will be sent as a GET here is a handy example:


We have cleverly enabled two ways you can receive transaction authorisation results in our hosted environment. And even more clever, these can be used in tandem, ensuring that responses are not lost due to inconvenient circumstances such as connection issues between us and your servers.

Return URL

We will redirect your customer back to your environment using the Return URL you specify after the payment has been completed. When configuring the HPP, you can set a default value in the Hub or you can dynamically change the Return URL by passing through the return_url parameter within the request.

We will send the message to your Return URL via a POST or GET response. We do recommend POST as GET can only send through a limited number of parameters - namely:

amount, avsaddress, avszipcode, code, company_id, company_mid_id, currency_code_iso3, cvvresult, is_remember, merchant_custom_1, merchant_custom_2, merchant_custom_3, message, transaction_id and hash.

When using POST - we will send through everything that is sent in the request and gathered on the HPP.

Please note: Your Return URL must begin with https:// and it should be configured to handle each of our possible response codes
Integrating via an i-Frame? We will not redirect your customer back to your environment. Instead, we will send a POST_MESSAGE to the parent frame.

We can only send the following parameters due to security concerns but all parameters will be sent to your Callback URL.

amount, avsaddress, avszipcode, code, company_id, company_mid_id, currency_code_iso3, cvvresult, is_remember, merchant_custom_1, merchant_custom_2, merchant_custom_3, message, transaction_id and hash.

For more information as to what the response message will look like, please refer to the code block below.


Callback URL

For every payment processed via the HPP, we will send a message to your Callback URL. We introduced the Callback URL for direct server-to-server communication to ensure you receive the response every single time.

Scenarios where you may not receive a response to the Return URL or a POST_MESSAGE are:

  • The customer closed their browser before being redirected back to your site.
  • There was a temporary connection issue with your servers.
  • A general issue with internet communication.

When configuring the HPP within the Hub, you can set a default Callback URL value or you can dynamically change the endpoint for each individual request by setting the callback_url parameter.

We must receive a HTTP 200 OK response back from your server. If we do not, we will ping you five times in five-minute intervals until we do to ensure your system is updated.

Please note your callback_url must begin with https:// and should be configured to handle all of our possible Response Codes.

You guessed it, the callback_url parameter must begin with https:// and it should be configured to handle all possible transaction response codes, including errors.

Verifying the Response

You will spot the parameter hash in responses to both Return and Callback URLs, which confirms that the response really did come from us. Here are the steps to calculate the response hash value:

  1. First, sort response parameters - excluding hash - alphabetically and then concatenate. Here is an example:

    amount . cardnumber . code . message . merchant_order_id . transaction_id
    //14.99XXXXXXXXXXXX87101Transaction Success201706191113454353
  2. SHA256 encrypt the resulting string:

  3. Append your company hash to the string generated in step two, and SHA256 encrypt again::

    Your company_hashcode value is waiting for you, just ping the team.

    All done? Here are samples of code to calculate the response hash value:

    $response = array(
    'billing_city' => 'London',
    'billing_state' => 'London',
    'billing_street' => '123 Fake Street',
    'billing_street2' => 'Hammersmith',
    $company_hashcode = 'hashcode';
    //100LondonGBtest@sample.comLondon123 Fake StreetHammersmithW120LU11131025GBP20160709_666DeclinedLondonGBtest@sample.comLondon212327
    //Hash before add company hash code: 72ad0f53cf1e0c3102ebff9edd2b178e8fd4f87cdc468f0267ddb6afe3b28876
    $response['hash'] = hash('sha256', hash('sha256', implode('', $response)).$company_hashcode);
    //Hash: 7c28394b9bb5631c5d8916a16cab2c0b5a59bd7a583f71ef9baa706f0bf1f676
    private String getHppHash() {
    String companyHash="hashcode";
    String hppHash="";
    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put("amount", 100.00);
    map.put("transaction_id", 212327 );
    map.put("amount", 100.00 );
    map.put( "company_id", 113 );
    map.put( "company_mid_id", 1025 );
    map.put( "currency_code_iso3", "GBP" );
    map.put( "code", 1 );
    map.put( "merchant_order_id", "20160709_666" );
    map.put( "message", "Declined" );
    map.put( "billing_country_code_iso2", "GB" );
    map.put( "billing_city", "London" );
    map.put( "billing_state", "London");
    map.put( "billing_street", "123 Fake Street");
    map.put( "billing_street2", "Hammersmith");
    map.put( "billing_zipcode", "W120LU");
    map.put( "billing_email", "");
    map.put( "shipping_country_code_iso2", "GB");
    map.put( "shipping_city", "London");
    map.put( "shipping_state", "London");
    map.put( "shipping_street", "");
    map.put( "shipping_street2", "");
    map.put( "shipping_zipcode", "");
    map.put( "shipping_email", "");
    Map sortMap = new TreeMap(new MapKeyComparator());
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (Iterator iterator = sortMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
    Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);
    sb.append(null == entry.getValue() ? "" :
    String plain = sb.toString();
    // plain = "100LondonGBtest@sample.comLondon123 Fake StreetHammersmithW120LU11131025GBP20160709_666DeclinedLondonGBtest@sample.comLondon212327";
    String temp = String2SHA256(sb.toString());
    // Hash before add company hash code: 72ad0f53cf1e0c3102ebff9edd2b178e8fd4f87cdc468f0267ddb6afe3b28876
    hppHash = String2SHA256( temp + companyHash);
    // Hash: 7c28394b9bb5631c5d8916a16cab2c0b5a59bd7a583f71ef9baa706f0bf1f676
    private static String String2SHA256(String str) {
    MessageDigest messageDigest;
    String encodeStr = "";
    try {
    messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
    encodeStr = byte2Hex(messageDigest.digest());
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    return encodeStr;
    private static String byte2Hex(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
    String temp = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
    temp = Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xFF);
    if (temp.length() == 1) {
    return stringBuffer.toString();
    class MapKeyComparator implements Comparator {
    public int compare(String str1, String str2) {
    return str1.compareTo(str2);
    private string getResponseHash()
        string companyHashCode = "hashcode";
        Dictionary param = new Dictionary
            { "transaction_id", 212327 },
            { "amount", 100.00 },
            { "company_id", 113 },
            { "company_mid_id", 1025 },
            { "currency_code_iso3", "GBP" },
            { "code", 1 },
            { "merchant_order_id", "20160709_666" },
            { "message", "Declined" },
            { "billing_country_code_iso2", "GB" },
            { "billing_city", "London" },
            { "billing_state", "London" },
            { "billing_street", "123 Fake Street" },
            { "billing_street2", "Hammersmith" },
            { "billing_zipcode", "W120LU" },
            { "billing_email", "" },
            { "shipping_country_code_iso2", "GB" },
            { "shipping_city", "London" },
            { "shipping_state", "London" },
            { "shipping_street", "" },
            { "shipping_street2", "" },
            { "shipping_zipcode", "" },
            { "shipping_email", "" }
        Dictionary sorted = param.OrderBy(o => o.Key).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, p => p.Value);
        string plain = string.Empty;
        foreach (KeyValuePair k in sorted)
            plain += k.Value;
        ViewData["ResponsePlain"] = plain;
    //1.Plain string:100LondonGBtest@sample.comLondon123 Fake StreetHammersmithW120LU11131025GBP20160709_666DeclinedLondonGBtest@sample.comLondon212327
        string temp = SHA256(plain);
    //2.Hash before add company hash code: 72ad0f53cf1e0c3102ebff9edd2b178e8fd4f87cdc468f0267ddb6afe3b28876
        ViewData["ResponseBeforeCompanyHash"] = temp;
        string hppHash = SHA256(temp + companyHashCode);
    //3.Hash: 7c28394b9bb5631c5d8916a16cab2c0b5a59bd7a583f71ef9baa706f0bf1f676
        return hppHash;
    private static string SHA256(string str)
        byte[] SHA256Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
        SHA256Managed Sha256 = new SHA256Managed();
        byte[] by = Sha256.ComputeHash(SHA256Data);
        return BitConverter.ToString(by).Replace("-", "").ToLower(); //64

Response Parameters

Parameter Format Length Description
amount int 1-11 Transaction amount.
authorization_code string 0-50 Authorisation code returned by the issuing bank.
avsaddress string 1-2 AVS check on the first line of the customer’s address, when available.
avszipcode string 1-2 AVS check on the first line of the customer’s postcode or zipcode, when available.
bank_response_code int 2 Transaction result code communicated by the issuing bank.
bin int 6 First six characters of the card used for the transaction.
card_category string 0-30 Category of the card used, for example CREDIT or DEBIT.
card_level string 0-30 Level of the card used, for example CLASSIC.
card_type string 2-8 Type of card used for the transaction, possible values are VISA, MC, AMEX.
cardexp int 6 Expiration date of the card used for the transaction, formatted as MMYYYY.
cardholder_name string 2-45 Cardholder’s name as entered into the HPP.
cardnumber string 12-19 Masked credit or debit card number used for the transaction.
code int 1-3 Code describing the transaction results.
company_id int 1-4 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
company_mid_id int 1-11 API MID ID we issue to merchants.
currency_code_iso3 string 3 Transaction currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
3-D Secure
int 1-2 Result of 3-D Secure authentication.
cvvresult string 1-2 Result of CVV2 security check.
is_remember boolean 1 Flag to indicate if we have tokenised card details for future use.
issuing_bank string 0-50 Name of the bank issuing the card used for the transaction.
issuing_country string 0-50 Country that issued the card used for the transaction.
issuing_country_iso2 string 0-2 Country that issued the card used for the transaction, an ISO2 two-letter code.
merchant_order_id string 0-50 Unique ID you’ll have used to identify each transaction, repeated from the request.
message string 1-65535 Text describing the transaction response.
transaction_id int 1-10 Unique ID we generate to identify the transaction.
hash string 10-2083 Verification hash value. See here.
Extra information - In addition to the transaction-specific response parameters you’ve just seen, all the values in response to the callback_url are returned when submitted in the request or gathered on the HPP.


This is the fun part - it’s time to customise your payment page. We’ve added a default template to the Hub to get you started. Download and change it however you want (within reason), please take a look below for further information on how to download the default template.

Your customers will have a better checkout experience, and by hosting your CSS, JavaScript, image and font files, we take on the burden of costly and complex PCI DSS compliance. You just need to complete SAQ A. How cool is that?

To make our solution as flexible as acceptable, we assign a placeholder to each element of the payment form. These simply display information passed through the request or gather additional information during checkout.

Uploading the Template

Templates can be uploaded in the Settings section of our portal. To upload a template, go to Settings > MIDs and from the Action dropdown select Create / Edit Service. Not sure if you’re in the right place? Take a look at the screenshot below:

Acquired Merchants List
Acceptable File Types: .html | .css | .js | .png | .jpg | font files.

You must name the HTML file index.html. All files must be in one zipped file without any additional folders.

Please note: Once uploaded to production, the files are reviewed by our Support Team and marked as available when the template is ready for use. Please allow 24 hours, but it should be quick.

Default Template

You can set a default template in the Hub which displays if the template_id parameter isn’t populated in the request. Here’s a handy screen shot:

Acquired Merchants List

Dynamic Template

To change the template displayed to customers dynamically, you must include the template_id parameter in the HPP request and assign a unique identifier to each uploaded file. This value displays in the HPP section of the Hub once your template is created. Sounds complicated, but it’s really not:

Acquired Merchants List

Placeholders - Card Details

When you create the all-important payment form, use the following placeholders as values in the HTML:

Parameter Placeholder Description
cardholder_name {{cardholder_name}} Cardholder name.
cardnumber {{cardnumber}} Card number.
cardexp {{cardexp_month}} Card expiry month.
cardexp {{cardexp_year}} Card expiry year.
cardcvv {{cardcvv}} CVV2 value.
subscription_type {{is_remember}} Flag to initiate a INIT subscription.

Want to know how to incorporate these placeholders into your template? There’s an example in the portal. For a test account, contact

Key info - You can display any parameter passed through the HPP request by including the relevant placeholder. For example, ‘amount’ becomes {{amount}} in your template. You can capture these parameters on the HPP in a similar way to card details.