Your Ledgers

When you sign up to, we open some ledgers for you to use day to day. This could be for corporate banking, to get your card payments settled into or to perform payments out to your customers via Faster Payments.

You can use this request to get information about your open ledgers to use with this API.

Soon you'll be able to open / close new ledgers to use yourself via the API but for now just let our support team know.

Create Account

POST /accounts/create
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
currency_code_iso3 string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
account_name string 1-50 The name on the account which is displayed within the Hub to differentiate accounts.
merchant_custom_1 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
merchant_custom_2 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
merchant_custom_3 string0-50 You can send additional data relating to the customer or another internal reference - with more data, your internal teams will be able to identify the customer’s transactions.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 , . - _
	"company_id": "113",
	"currency_code_iso3": "GBP",
	"account_name": "Main Account",
	"merchant_custom_1": "custom value 1",
	"merchant_custom_2": "custom value 2",
	"merchant_custom_3": "custom value 3"


Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
ledger_details object
ledger_id string 36 The unique reference for the ledger which will be used for future requests, you should take note of it.
sort_code string 6 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
account_number string 8 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
name string 1-50 The name on the account which is displayed within the Hub to differentiate accounts.
balance int 1-11 The current balance on this ledger at the time of the request in the currency returned.
iban string 16-34 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
bic_swift string 8-11 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
created string 24 The date and time at which the account was created.
last_update string 24 The date and time at which the last activity against the customer’s account took place.
	"company_id": "113",
	"mid_id": "2091",
	"ledger_details": {
		"ledger_id": "5e3596cb-83f3-49a9-a7c4-21d4fee37565",
		"sort_code": "040052",
		"account_number": "00459615",
		"name": "Main Account",
		"balance": 0,
		"iban": "GB22PAYR04005200459615",
		"bic_swift": "PAYRGB20XXX"
	"created": "2020-04-24 08:34:35",
	"last_update": "2020-04-24 08:34:35"

Accounts List

GET /accounts/list
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
mid_id int 1-11 API merchant id we issue to merchants.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
currency string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z
If you leave the query params blank, we'll return all your accounts by default.


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data array The results of the query.
company_id int 1-11 API Company ID we issue to merchants.
mid_id int 1-11 API Merchant ID we issue to merchants.
ledger_id string 36 The unique reference for the ledger which will be used for future requests, you should take note of it.
account_name string 1-50 The name on the account which is displayed within the Hub to differentiate accounts.
currency string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
account_number string 8 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
sort_code string 6 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
iban string 16-34 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
bic string 8-11 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
balance int 1-11 The current balance on this ledger at the time of the request in the currency returned.
float boolean 4-5 Indicator to confirm if this ledger is used for Balance Manager feature. Please contact for more information.
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "accounts": [{
                "company_id": "113",
                "mid_id": "1890",
                "ledger_id": "5e3596cb-83f3-49a9-a7c4-21d4fee37565",
                "account_name": " GBP",
                "currency": "gbp",
                "account_number": "00434393",
                "sort_code": "040052",
                "balance": 500,
                "float": false
                "company_id": "113",
                "mid_id": "1891",
                "ledger_id": "5e3596ee-e4b7-4b4a-92c8-4c64f394f9d7",
                "account_name": " Euro",
                "currency": "eur",
                "iban": "GB33TEST92615805703516",
                "bic": "TESTGB21",
                "balance": 1200,
                "float": false

Transaction List

Want to know exactly what has come in / out of your ledger and who it came from / went to? Use this request to get a list of your transactions on each of your ledgers filtered by date range.

GET /accounts/ledgers/transactions/{{ledger_id}}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}

Query Params

Parameter Format Length Description
from_date datetime 0-19 The date you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 - :
to_date datetime 0-19 The date you want your search results to start, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 - :
type string 14-18 The type of transaction taking place, we will typically respond with internal_transfer or faster_payment.
Acceptable Values: "faster_payment" or "internal_transfer"
in_out string 2-3 The direction in which funds are being moved.
Acceptable Values: "in" or "out"
If you leave the query params blank, we'll return all of today’s transactions by default.


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object
total int 1-11 The count of the transactions being listed.
list array
transaction_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a transaction.
date_time string 36 The time at which a transaction took place.
name string 1-100 The account holder's name.
account_number string 8 The account number associated with the account.
sort_code string 6 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
iban string 16-34 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
bic string 8-11 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to receive payments.
reference string 1-18 A description of the payment that will appear on the sender and receiver’s bank statements.
amount string 1-11 The total value of the transaction.
currency string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
in_out string 2-3 The direction in which funds are being moved.
type string 14-18 The type of transaction taking place, we will typically respond with internal_transfer or faster_payment.
response_code int 1-3 Code describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
response_message string 1-100 Message describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z _ - ()[]{};~!@#$%^*,./\?:”’ +=`
    "status": 1,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "total": 2,
        "list": [{
                "transaction_id": "9010ef5b-8b1a-484d-b27c-e9002dcd93d2",
                "date_time": "2020-01-05 12:12:54",
                "name": "Steve Ryan",
                "account_number": "12345678",
                "sort_code": "400052",
                "reference": "testing",
                "amount": "200.00",
                "currency": "gbp",
                "in_out": "in",
                "type": "faster_payment",
                "response_code": "1",
                "response_message": "Transaction Success"
                "transaction_id": "068805e9-8973-474a-8f2a-5e138ce6693a",
                "date_time": "2020/01/05 12:12:59",
                "name": "Joe Bloggs",
                "account_number": "59151845",
                "sort_code": "040230",
                "reference": "Invoice 203920",
                "amount": "100.00",
                "currency": "gbp",
                "in_out": "out",
                "type": "internal_transfer",
                "response_code": "1",
                "response_message": "Transaction Success"

Query a Transaction

Use this request to get more details about a specific transaction_id, usually in order to display this information to your customers.

GET /accounts/transactions/{transaction_id}}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: token {{token value from here}}


Parameter Format Length Description
transaction_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a transaction.


Parameter Format Length Description
status int 1-2 The outcome of the request.
message string 0-100 Handy text describing the status for debugging.
data object
transaction_id string 0-36 A unique reference for a transaction.
date_time string 36 The time at which a transaction took place.
name string 1-100 The account holders name.
account_number string 8 The account number associated with the account.
sort_code string 6 Returned for GBP accounts, value that you can share with your customers to recieve payments.
iban string 16-34 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to recieve payments.
bic_swift string 8-11 Returned for EUR accounts, value that you can share with your customers to recieve payments.
reference string 1-18 A description of the payment that will apear on the senders and recievers bank statements.
amount string 1-11 The total value of the transaction.
currency string 3 Ledger currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
in_out string 2-3 The direction in which funds are being moved.
type string 14-18 The type of transaction taking place, we will typically respond with interal_transfer or faster_payment.
response_code int 1-3 Code describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
response_message string 1-100 Message describing the transaction results.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 a-z A-z _ - ()[]{};~!@#$%^*,./\?:”’ +=`
"status": "1", 
"message": "Success",
"data": {
        "transaction_id": "9010ef5b-8b1a-484d-b27c-e9002dcd93d2",
        "date_time": "2020/01/05 12:12:54",
        "name": "Steve Ryan",
        "account_number": "12345678",
        "sort_code": "400052",
        "reference": "testing",
        "amount": "200.00",
        "currency": "gbp",
        "in_out": "in",
        "type": "faster_payment",
        "response_message":"Transaction Success"
Note for EUR transactions we should return "iban" and "bic_swift" details in the transaction list instead of "account_number" and "sort_code".