Transaction Linking

You can link your faster payment transactions to your card payments – otherwise known as linking our Banking API with our Card API.

This section will only be applicable if you are integrated and are currently using the Banking API and Card API.

If your business model includes funding customers account via the Faster Payment network and then collecting those funds in the form of re-payments, you should incorporate this into your integration into the platform.

By linking the transactions, you can see which card payments are related to the faster payment and strengthens your defence against future disputes.

To do this, you will be linking your PAY_OUT request to your REBILL request. Your REBILL requests will always take place after your PAY_OUT request as it will be part of the customers agreed re-payments.


To link the faster payment i.e. the PAY_OUT, you have to include an additional object within the REBILL request.

Within this object, you will be including the PAY_OUT transaction ID that was returned within the response.

For a full REBILL request example with the link object included, please refer to the table of parameters and code example included below.

Please note: the PAY_OUT transaction ID you pass through within the REBILL request should relate to the funds the customer is re-paying. This is to Link the card re-payment to the initial funds that were sent.
Parameter Format Length Description
subscription_type string 4 - 14 Initiate new (INIT) or recharge existing (REBILL) subscription.
Acceptable Characters: a-Z A-Z _
original_transaction_id int 1 - 11 transaction_id value we generated and returned in the original INIT request.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
link object
card int 1-10 Transaction ID of the pay_out request
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
    } ,

As outlined in the documentation on Recurring Payments There’s no need to include customer and billing parameters in the REBILL request. We decrypt these values from the INIT request you previously processed – all coming together, right?

The response parameters are the same as a standard authorisation transaction. More information can be found right here.