When integrating, you need to test all the different scenarios in which your application will interact with the Acquired.com platform.
We have pinpointed a few key scenarios and the best approach is to go through each test card and develop processes to deal with each possible result.
It may seem ‘overkill’ to have such an extensive list of cardnumbers, however, to get the most value out of our platform, you can inform your customers on the exact reason a payment has been declined.
Card Payments
For our test cardnumbers
to test non 3-D Secure standard authorisation requests via our Card API or the HPP solution.
3-D Secure
Test the 3-D Secure flow with 3DS test cardnumbers
to replicate the live environment via our Card API or the HPP solution.
Account Updater
Test this solution end-to-end by replicating the live environment via our Card API or the HPP solution.
GET STARTEDCard Verification Value
Replicate the real world by testing different CVV scenarios via our Card API or the HPP solution.
GET STARTEDAddress Verification Service
We have created dummy addresses to be used in our QA environment using the Card API or the HPP solution.
GET STARTEDThe best approach is to go through each test card and develop processes to deal with each possible result. This will complete your integration into the Acquired.com platform.
Our comprehensive test card list gives you the opportunity and data to inform your customers on why a payment has been declined – the devil is in the details, but so is the opportunity to reclaim a sale or build trust. This is seen as a positive interaction allowing a positive intervention based on the decline reason code, potentially resulting in a successful sale and a happy customer.