

Dispute events, previously known as chargebacks, raised against your account can be found in this section of the Hub. This is your ‘one-stop’ place to view, respond to and track disputes, displayed by the number of disputes raised and the amount disputed.

Disputes are a risk to business – some businesses choose to write these off as ‘a cost of doing business’, resulting in a loss of revenue sitting on the balance sheet. To help you, we have built an industry-leading dispute management tool available via API or via the Acquired.com Hub.

Your disputes are presented in two ways within the Acquired.com Hub, on a card scheme basis and by transaction.

Pro Tip - It is good practice to monitor this report regularly, as you are only able to submit a dispute defence for ten days after the dispute has been raised, keeping in-line with Visa and MasterCard's time-frames to resolve all disputes. If the ten day time period elapses, we will assign the dispute to the LOST status.

A short summary of the dispute process: Firstly, it is important to note that if you receive any disputes, you do have the right to contest the dispute. Contesting a dispute is known as submitting a “Dispute Defence". A Dispute Defence notifies the acquiring and issuing bank of your decision to contest the dispute. To contest a dispute, you will need to have all the information and evidence to overturn the issuing bank's decision. To make this easier for you, we have developed our own in-house Dispute Management Solution.

To make proper use of this feature, please see below our How To Guide's where we explain how to create a Dispute Defence pack and submit these packs onto the banking network.

The dispute pack comes pre-packaged and automatically compiles all the necessary information for each individual dispute - this creates a nicely presented file and is submitted via API directly to your acquiring partner. Each Dispute Pack can be submitted by just one click of a button within the Hub or automatically via the Hub API.

Your disputes are displayed on a monthly basis with the key information you require - the amount that is being disputed, the number of disputes that have been raised, lost or recovered and your overall dispute rate.

For each Dispute you receive, the customer has most likely not recognised your transaction in their bank statement – remember that may also have forgotten they agreed to the initial transaction or didn’t recognise your company (it happens).

Pro Tip - You should contact the customer to re-jog their memory. With a bit of luck they will, in turn, contact their issuer and withdraw the dispute - hopefully.

Possible Dispute Statuses

We track the status of each of your disputes - for a full list of possible dispute statuses - please see below:

Status Description
No Action You can choose to defend the dispute or not. Lodge your challenge via the Hub using a single click or with an API call. If you are yet to submit a Defence Pack, we will assign this status.
Defended You have chosen to submit a Defence Pack and contest this dispute. Your defence is in progress.
Lost The issuing bank has sided with the customer.
Pre-Arb The issuer has rejected your initial defence submitted against this Dispute and raises to the next stage.
Recovered Good news, the transaction is successfully recovered and you have been credited the funds.
Key Info - These statuses are updated reflecting the latest information we receive from your acquiring partner. Keep track of your disputes using the General Dispute Report to see where your disputes are within the Dispute Cycle.

Report Parameters

The following parameters can be found within the Dispute Details screen and the exportable report. This report will allow you to identify any customers and which transactions have been disputed.

Parameter Description
MID The Merchant Identification Number assigned by Acquired.com.
Company Name Simple - the company name.
Transaction ID The unique Acquired.com reference passed back in each response message.
ARN The unique reference number that is used within the banking network to identify transactions (stands for Acquirer Reference Number).
RRN Retrieval Request Number is the reference number passed over to Acquired.com from the issuing bank when the issuer / acquirer requests further information against a transaction.
Customer ID Another unique reference that you can pass through to Acquired.com. We pass this information back to you.
Reason Code The code that the dispute has been raised against. For the full list of possible Dispute Reason Codes, please see here
Card Type The card scheme the card belongs to (Visa / MasterCard / AmEx).
Card Exp The expiration date listed on the card used.
Card Number Masked credit or debit card number used for the transaction.
Cardholder Name Cardholder’s name as entered into the HPP.
Currency Transaction currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
Amount The transaction amount that was collected.
Transaction Date The date of the transaction that the customer issued the dispute request against.
Dispute Date The date Acquired.com received the Dispute alert.
Defence Date The date you submitted a Defence Pack against the Dispute.
Status The Dispute Status. When we hear anything about your disputes, we update the status accordingly - keeping you up to date with the latest information.

How To Guides

Creating a Dispute Defence Pack

  1. Go to the Merchants section via the sidebar.
  2. Switch to the Company & MID tab.
  3. Select which MID you wish to create your Dispute Defence Pack's under.
  4. Select the Action icon on the right hand side of the table.
  5. Select "Dispute Response Pack".
  6. Choose and enter in the title of the Dispute Defence Pack. We recommend to create packs based on Dispute Reason Code - this gives you a higher chance of recovering disputes. An example could be: Default Dispute Pack - 10.4.
  7. Press "Create".
  8. Press "Go".
  9. Go through each of the Dropdown menus and enter in the relevant information.
  10. Press "Save".
Pro Tip - If you want to dynamically include customer details in your dispute packs, include references to the transactions using the tag symbols. We automatically pull this information into every dispute pack for you. You can add all kinds of useful information, such as the cardholder's name, the ARN number - there are so many options you can add - contact our Support Team for a full list of the references.

Submitting a Dispute Defence pack

  1. View your Disputes on a transactional level by using the Dispute Details screen or by clicking into the number of disputes within the Dispute's page.
  2. Select the Action icon on the right hand side of the table.
  3. Select "Raise Response".
  4. Select the Response Pack you have already prepared.
  5. Press "Submit".
Pro Tip - Once submitted, we will update the Dispute status to DEFENDED, giving you full confidence you have successfully submitted a Defence Pack.

Dispute Details Report

To view individual disputes by transaction, use the Dispute Details report.

This more detailed view provides information that will allow you to identify a customer and perform any actions you deem to be necessary. We also provide the ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) to give you the unique identifier used within the banking network. You can take actions for each dispute. For example: you may wish to contact the customer and / or submit a dispute response.

Did you know? You can download this report directly from the Hub API into your system? For more information, please see here.

Dispute Response

You can easily submit a dispute response via the Hub API and upload supporting documentation. For further details on what a dispute response is, please see link to ourDisputes section.

You can also see your dispute pack IDs from within Hub. If you’re having trouble with this part, send support@acquired.com an email and they gladly help you to sort it out.

Key Info - A Dispute Response was previously known as a Re-presentment before Visa and MasterCard made changes to the Dispute life-cycle.
Helpful Tip - For a full list of dispute reason codes please see here.