Continuous Payments (Recurring or CPA)


Time to play - access your API using these endpoints:


It’s time to process a payment for a subscription – this could happen at the first payment (remember INIT?) or subsequently, depending on how often the customer is billed. Set the subscription_type parameter to REBILL so we’re authorised to decrypt and charge a previously-stored card number for ongoing transactions.

If you would like to associate your merchant_customer_id or any custom data associated with the REBILL request, be sure to pass those fields through in your transaction request too.

Here’s an example of a REBILL authorisation request:

  "timestamp": "20170612200234",
  "company_id": "133",
  "company_pass": "password",
  "company_mid_id": "",
  "request_hash": "f0a18260b08a0bfacb...",
  "transaction": {
    "merchant_order_id": "20170612200234",
    "transaction_type": "AUTH_ONLY",
    "original_transaction_id": "1234567",
    "subscription_type": "REBILL",
    "subscription_reason": "R",
    "amount": "100",
    "currency_code_iso3": "GBP"

Request Parameters

Parameter Format Length Description
string 1-50 Unique ID you’ll use to identify each transaction.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ -
string 1-20 The type of transaction you are trying to perform - possible values for this request are either AUTH_ONLY or AUTH_CAPTURE.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z _
original_transaction_id ints 1 - 11 transaction_id value we generated and returned in the original INIT request.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9
subscription_type string 4 - 14 Initiate new (INIT) or recharge existing (REBILL) subscription.
Acceptable Characters: a-Z A-Z _
subscription_reason enum 1 Sending this field will overwrite the default value configured by on your account - used to inform the issuer it is a "Credential-on-File" / "Merchant Initiated" transaction and the reason for the request.
"R = Recurring" "I = Instalment" "C = Unscheduled" "L = Incremental" "S = Resubmission" "D = Delayed Charges"
"A = Reauthorisation" "X = No Show"
string 0-11 Transaction amount.
Acceptable Characters: 0-9 in the format DDDDDD.CC
string 3 Transaction currency, an ISO 4217 3-digit code.
Acceptable Characters: a-z A-Z

There’s no need to include customer and billing parameters in the REBILL request. We decrypt these values from the INIT request you previously processed – all coming together, right?

The response parameters are the same as a standard authorisation transaction. More information can be found right here.

Please note: If you're using both Recurring Payments as well as our Banking API, you should consider grouping your payments using our Transaction Link feature. This is to Link the card re-payment to the initial funds that were sent, this information can then be pulled into your dispute packs to strengthen your defence and increase your chances of winning your case.